The Gentlement of Calvin
In the Winter of 2013, Calvin College embarked on a campaign to increase the number of males in the Class of 2017. Working with the Enrollment Communications team at Calvin College, Company Bell produced 8 1-minute long films highlighting the various types of guy that comprise being a “Gentlemen of Calvin College.”
Locations included the Chapel, 3rd floor dorm room, baseball team locker room, the climbing wall, Heckman Library, Student Senate, Amway Corporation, and ROWSTER Coffee. Gentlemen themes included Brotherly, Sporting, Faithful, Scholarly, Prepared, Savvy, Invested, and Adventurous.
These films were produced with a corresponding print campaign. Be on the lookout for the campaign in Spring of 2013. Taproot Pictures partnered on this very fun project.
Check out the full campaign or watch the videos below. Watch all 8!